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The following steps will help ensure your modules and components are ready for the New Architecture.

Define Specs in JavaScript

The JavaScript specs serve as the source of truth for the methods provided by each native module. They define all APIs provided by the native module, along with the types of those constants and functions. Using a typed spec file allows you to be intentional and declare all the input arguments and outputs of your native module’s methods.


TypeScript support is in beta right now.

To adopt the New Architecture, you start by creating these specs for your native modules and native components. You can do this before migrating to the New Architecture: the specs will be used later on to generate native interface code for all the supported platforms as a way to enforce uniform APIs across platforms.

Turbo Native Modules

JavaScript spec files must be named Native<MODULE_NAME>.js, and they export a TurboModuleRegistry Spec object. The name convention is important because the Codegen process looks for modules whose js (jsx, ts, or tsx) spec file starts with the keyword Native.

The following is a basic JavaScript spec template, written using the Flow and TypeScript syntax.

// @flow

import type {TurboModule} from 'react-native/Libraries/TurboModule/RCTExport';
import {TurboModuleRegistry} from 'react-native';

export interface Spec extends TurboModule {
+getConstants: () => {||};

// your module methods go here, for example:
getString(id: string): Promise<string>;

export default (TurboModuleRegistry.get<Spec>('<MODULE_NAME>'): ?Spec);

Fabric Native Components

JavaScript spec files must be named <FABRIC COMPONENT>NativeComponent.js (for TypeScript use extension .ts or .tsx) and they export a HostComponent object. The name convention is important: the Codegen process looks for components whose spec file (either JavaScript or TypeScript) ends with the suffix NativeComponent.

The following snippet shows a basic JavaScript spec template, written in Flow as well as TypeScript.

// @flow strict-local

import type {ViewProps} from 'react-native/Libraries/Components/View/ViewPropTypes';
import type {HostComponent} from 'react-native';
import codegenNativeComponent from 'react-native/Libraries/Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';

type NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|
// add other props here

export default (codegenNativeComponent<NativeProps>(
): HostComponent<NativeProps>);

Supported Types

When using Flow or TypeScript, you will be using type annotations to define your spec. Keeping in mind that the goal of defining a JavaScript spec is to ensure the generated native interface code is type-safe, the set of supported types will be those that can be mapped one-to-one to a corresponding type on the native platform.

In general, this means you can use primitive types (strings, numbers, booleans), function types, object types, and array types. Union types, on the other hand, are not supported. All types must be read-only. For Flow: either + or $ReadOnly<> or {||} objects. For TypeScript: readonly for properties, Readonly<> for objects, and ReadonlyArray<> for arrays.

See Appendix II. Flow Type to Native Type Mapping. See Appendix III. TypeScript to Native Type Mapping.

Codegen Helper Types

You can use predefined types for your JavaScript spec, here is a list of them:

  • Double
  • Float
  • Int32
  • WithDefault<Type, Value> - Sets default value for type
  • BubblingEventHandler<T> - For bubbling events (eg: onChange).
  • DirectEventHandler<T> - For direct events (eg: onClick).

Later on those types are compiled to coresponding equivalents on target platforms.

Be Consistent Across Platforms and Eliminate Type Ambiguity

Before adopting the New Architecture in your native module, you should ensure your methods are consistent across platforms. You will realize this as you set out to write the JavaScript spec for your native module - remember that JavaScript spec defines what the methods will look like on all supported platforms.

If your existing native module has methods with the same name on multiple platforms, but with different numbers or types of arguments across platforms, you will need to find a way to make these consistent. If you have methods that can take two or more different types for the same argument, then you need to find a way to resolve this type of ambiguity as type unions are intentionally not supported.

Make Sure autolinking is Enabled

Autolinking is a feature of the React Native CLI that simplifies the installation of third-party React Native libraries. Instructions to enable autolinking are available in the React Native CLI docs.


On Android, this generally requires you to include native_modules.gradle in both your settings.gradle and build.gradle.

If you used the default template provided with React Native (i.e., yarn react-native init <Project>), then autolinking is already enabled.

You can anyway verify that you have it enabled with:

$ grep -r "native_modules.gradle" android

android/app/build.gradle:apply from: file("../../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/native_modules.gradle"); applyNativeModulesAppBuildGradle(project)
android/settings.gradle:apply from: file("../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/native_modules.gradle"); applyNativeModulesSettingsGradle(settings)

If you don't, open the settings.gradle file and add this line:

rootProject.name = <Your App Name>
+ apply from: file("../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/native_modules.gradle"); applyNativeModulesSettingsGradle(settings)

Then, open your android/app/build.gradle file and add this line at the end of the file:

apply from: file("../../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/native_modules.gradle"); applyNativeModulesAppBuildGradle(project)


On iOS, make sure that your library provides a Podspec (see react-native-webview for an example).


To determine if your library is set up for autolinking, check the CocoaPods output after running pod install (or arch -x86_64 pod install in case of a Mac M1) on an iOS project. If you see "auto linking library name", you are all set to go.

Configure Codegen

Codegen is a tool that runs when you build an Android app or install the dependencies of an iOS app. It creates some scaffolding code that you won't have to create manually.

Codegen can be configured in the package.json file of your Library. Add the following JSON object at the end of it.

+ "codegenConfig": {
+ "name": "<library name>",
+ "type": "all",
+ "jsSrcsDir": ".",
+ "android": {
+ "javaPackageName": "com.facebook.fbreact.specs"
+ }
+ }
  • The codegenConfig is the key used by the Codegen to verify that there is some code to generate.
  • The name field is the name of the library.
  • The type field is used to identify the type of module we want to create. We suggest keeping all to support libraries that contain both Turbo Native Module and Fabric Native Components.
  • The jsSrcsDir is the directory where the codegen will start looking for JavaScript specs.
  • The android.javaPackageName is the name of the package where the generated code ends up.

Android also requires to have the React Gradle Plugin properly configured in your app.

Migrating from UIManager JavaScript APIs

In the New Architecture, most UIManager methods will become available as instance methods on native component instances obtained via ref:

function MyComponent(props: Props) {
const viewRef = useRef(null);

useEffect(() => {
viewRef.current.measure(((left, top, width, height, pageX, pageY) => {
// ...
}, []);

return <View ref={viewRef} />;

This new API design provides several benefits:

  • Better developer ergonomics by removing the need for separately importing UIManager or calling findNodeHandle.
  • Better performance by avoiding the node handle lookup step.
  • Directionally aligned with the analogous deprecation of findDOMNode.

We will eventually deprecate UIManager. However, we recognize that migrations demand a high cost for many application and library authors. In order to minimize this cost, we plan to continue supporting as many of the methods on UIManager as possible in the New Architecture.

Support for UIManager methods in the New Architecture is actively being developed. While we make progress here, early adopters can still experiment with the New Architecture by following these steps to migrate off common UIManager APIs:

  1. Migrating off setNativeProps
  2. Move the call to requireNativeComponent to a separate file
  3. Migrating off dispatchViewManagerCommand
  4. Creating NativeCommands with codegenNativeCommands

Migrating off setNativeProps

setNativeProps will not be supported in the post-Fabric world. To migrate, move all setNativeProp values to component state.


class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
_viewRef: ?React.ElementRef<typeof View>;

render() {
const {somePropValue} = this.props;
return <View
style={styles.view} />

_captureRef: (ref: React.ElementRef<typeof View>) => {
this._viewRef = ref;

_onSubmit: () => {
style: styles.submittedView,
accessibility: true
// ...other logic for onSubmit

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
view: {backgroundColor: 'white'},
submittedView: {borderWidth: 1}

In this example, when the View is pressed, there is a setNativeProps call to update the style and accessibility props of the component. To migrate this component, it’s important to understand its current behavior using setNativeProps.

Pre-Fabric, Component Props Persist

On the first render, the component props are those declared in the render function. After the View is pressed _onSubmit calls setNativeProps with updated prop values. The resulting component can be represented as such:

style={[styles.view, styles.submittedView]}

Note that all prop values set in the render function are unchanged even though setNativeProps didn’t pass those props. Also, style is now the merged value of its value prior to _onSubmit and styles.submittedView. This is the important takeaway: in our current pre-Fabric world, component props persist. The platform view caches the prop values it's passed from the JS side. If this wasn’t the case, then following the setNativeProps call, React Native would have rendered a component like this:

<View accessibility={true} style={styles.submittedView} />

The fact that React Native stores some internal state of each component that isn’t explicitly declared in the last render is what Fabric intends to fix.

Moving setNativeProps to state

Taking the above caveats into account, a proper migration would look like this:

class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
state = {
hasSubmitted: false,
accessibility: false

render() {
const {somePropValue} = this.props;
const submittedStyle = this.state.hasSubmitted ? styles.submittedView: null;
return <View
style={[styles.view, submittedStyle]} />

_onSubmit: () => {
this.setState(state => ({...state, hasSubmitted: true}));
// ...other logic for onSubmit

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
view: {backgroundColor: 'white'},
submittedView: {borderWidth: 1}
  • We are using the hasSubmitted flag to represent whether or not we want to apply styles.submittedView. If the style was dynamic, then it makes sense to store the style object in state.
  • accessibility is now explicitly passed to the View component as a boolean. This differs from the prior implementation where accessibility wasn’t passed as a prop in the initial render, but in this case, we know the non-specification of accessibility is handled in the same way as accessibilty={false}.

Be wary of your assumptions, as uncaught subtleties can introduce differences in behavior! It’s a good idea to have snapshot tests of your component as they will highlight any differences pre and post your migration.

Move the call to requireNativeComponent to a separate file

This will prepare for the JS to be ready for the new codegen system for the New Architecture. The new file should be named <ComponentName>NativeComponent.js.

Old way

const RNTMyNativeView = requireNativeComponent('RNTMyNativeView');


return <RNTMyNativeView />;

New way

import RNTMyNativeViewNativeComponent from './RNTMyNativeViewNativeComponent';


return <RNTMyNativeViewNativeComponent />;
import {requireNativeComponent} from 'react-native';

const RNTMyNativeViewNativeComponent = requireNativeComponent(

export default RNTMyNativeViewNativeComponent;

Flow support

If requireNativeComponent is not typed, you can temporarily use the mixed type to fix the Flow warning, for example:

import type {HostComponent} from 'react-native/Libraries/Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes';
// ...
const RCTWebViewNativeComponent: HostComponent<mixed> =
requireNativeComponent < mixed > 'RNTMyNativeView';

Later on you can replace requireNativeComponent

When you are ready to migrate to Fabric you can replace requireNativeComponent with codegenNativeComponent:

export default (codegenNativeComponent<NativeProps>(
): HostComponent<NativeProps>);

And update the main file:

export default require('./RNTMyNativeViewNativeComponent')

Migrating off dispatchViewManagerCommand

Similar to the one above, in an effort to avoid calling methods on the UIManager, all view manager methods are now called through an instance of NativeCommands. codegenNativeCommands is a new API to code-generate NativeCommands given an interface of your view manager’s commands.


class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
_moveToRegion: (region: Region, duration: number) => {
[region, duration]

render() {
return <MyCustomMapNativeComponent onPress={this._moveToRegion} />

Creating NativeCommands with codegenNativeCommands

import codegenNativeCommands from 'react-native/Libraries/Utilities/codegenNativeCommands';
import type {HostComponent} from 'react-native/Libraries/Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes';

type MyCustomMapNativeComponentType = HostComponent<NativeProps>;

interface NativeCommands {
+moveToRegion: (
viewRef: React.ElementRef<MyCustomMapNativeComponentType>,
region: MapRegion,
duration: number,
) => void;

export const Commands: NativeCommands = codegenNativeCommands<NativeCommands>({
supportedCommands: ['moveToRegion'],


  • The first argument in the moveToRegion command is a HostComponent ref of the native component
  • The arguments to the moveToRegion command are enumerated in the signature
  • The command definition is co-located with the native component. This is an encouraged pattern
  • Ensure you have included your command name in the supportedCommands array

Using Your Command

import {Commands, ...} from './MyCustomMapNativeComponent';

class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
_ref?: React.ElementRef<typeof MyCustomMapNativeComponent>;

_captureRef: (ref: React.ElementRef<typeof MyCustomMapNativeComponent>) => {
this._ref = ref;

_moveToRegion: (region: Region, duration: number) => {
if (this._ref != null) {
Commands.moveToRegion(this._ref, region, duration);

render() {
return <MyCustomMapNativeComponent
onPress={this._moveToRegion} />

Updating Native Implementation

In the example, the code-generated Commands will dispatch moveToRegion call to the native component’s view manager. In addition to writing the JS interface, you’ll need to update your native implementation signatures to match the dispatched method call. See the mapping for Android argument types andiOS argument types for reference.


RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(moveToRegion:(nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag
region:(NSDictionary *)region


// receiveCommand signature has changed to receive String commandId
public void receiveCommand(
ReactMapDrawerView view, String commandId, @Nullable ReadableArray args) {
switch (commandId) {
case "moveToRegion":
if (args == null) {

ReadableMap region = args.getMap(0);
int durationMs = args.getInt(1);
// ... act on the view...