新架构实战课 实操 + 基建 + 原理全维度包揽,抢先掌握 React Native 新架构精髓 立即查看 >Version: 0.70

在 Android 库中启用


本文档内容仍处于实验阶段,内容会随着版本的迭代进行修改。您可随时在我们的工作组的讨论区发送反馈。 此外,本文档还包含了若干需手动配置的步骤,但这不代表新架构稳定版的最终开发体验。我们仍在开发相关的工具、模板和第三方库,帮助你更快地迁移到新架构上,而非从头开始配置环境。

Once you have defined the JavaScript specs for your native modules as part of the prerequisites, setup the configuration of the Codegen, and followed the Android/Gradle setup, you are now ready to migrate your library to the new architecture. Here are the steps you can follow to accomplish this.

1. Extend or implement the code-generated native interfaces

The JavaScript spec for your native module or component will be used to generate native interface code for each supported platform (i.e. Android and iOS). These native interface files will be generated when a React Native application that depends on your library is built.

While this generated native interface code will not ship as part of your library, you do need to make sure your Java/Kotlin code conforms to the protocols provided by these native interface files.

You can invoke the generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema Gradle task to generate your library’s native interface code in order to use them as a reference:

./gradlew generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema

The files that are output can be found inside build/generated/source/codegen and should not be committed, but you’ll need to refer to them to determine what changes you need to make to your native modules in order for them to provide an implementation for each generated interface.

The output of the codegen for a module called NativeAwesomeManager will look like this:

├── java
│ └── com
│ └── example
│ └── samplelibrary
│ └── NativeAwesomeManagerSpec.java
├── jni
│ ├── Android.mk
│ ├── react
│ │ └── renderer
│ │ └── components
│ │ └── samplelibrary
│ │ ├── ComponentDescriptors.h
│ │ ├── EventEmitters.cpp
│ │ ├── EventEmitters.h
│ │ ├── Props.cpp
│ │ ├── Props.h
│ │ ├── ShadowNodes.cpp
│ │ └── ShadowNodes.h
│ ├── samplelibrary-generated.cpp
│ └── samplelibrary.h
└── schema.json

Extends the abstract class provided by the codegen

Update your native module or component to ensure it extends the abstract class that has been code-generated from your JavaScript specs (i.e. the NativeAwesomeManagerSpec.java file from the previous example).

Following the example set forth in the previous section, your library might import NativeAwesomeManagerSpec, implement the relevant native interface and the necessary methods for it:

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;

import com.example.samplelibrary.NativeAwesomeManagerSpec;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.Promise;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext;

public class NativeAwesomeManager extends NativeAwesomeManagerSpec {

public static final String NAME = "NativeAwesomeManager";

public NativeAwesomeManager(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {

public void getString(String id, Promise promise) {
// Implement this method

public String getName() {
return NAME;

Please note that the generated abstract class that you’re now extending (MyAwesomeSpec in this example), is itself extending ReactContextBaseJavaModule. Therefore you should not use access to any of the method/fields you were previously using (e.g. the ReactApplicationContext and so on). Moreover the generated class will now also implement the TurboModule interface for you.